Classes of 5-10 students
Our classes are taught by Jacob Hogan who has nearly 15 years experience teaching test prep classes. Students receive 15-18 hours of instruction, a full length practice test, and an individual assessment with the instructor. All instructional and practice material is provided.
Premier tutoring is currently only being offered through our most experienced tutor, Jacob Hogan. Jacob has been teaching ACT classes and tutoring students for nearly 15 years.
Individual tutoring is conducted by one of our certified and trained tutors. Mr. Hogan puts our tutors through extensive training before they are allowed to work with students. He also personally oversees each student’s progress to make sure that each tutor is providing exactly what that students needs.
2-3 students
Premier Small Group tutoring is conducted by Jacob Hogan who has nearly 15 years experience teaching and tutoring students for the ACT.
2-3 students
Premier Small Group tutoring is conducted by Jacob Hogan who has nearly 15 years experience teaching and tutoring students for the ACT.
4-5 students
Premier Small Group turning is conducted by Jacob Hogan who has nearly 15 years experience teaching and tutoring students for the ACT.
ACT gives 7 test each year, and on 3 of these test dates (September, April and June), you can order your test booklet and answer sheet. Anyone that receives their test booklet and answer sheet can have Jacob Hogan look over the test and provide a written assessment of how that students performed on the test and what things he or she would need to focus on going forward. The student will be given a copy of the test with notes on it with all of the math problems they missed worked out for them.
Students and/or parents can receive a detailed written analyses / oral assessment of any previous ACT test along with a consult with Jacob Hogan to discuss his observations and recommendations for that student going forward.
At our office at designated times, a student can take a full-length practice test and have that test scored. The student will then receive a breakdown of their scores along with a written test report that includes notation of any concepts they struggled with along with instruction as to what they can work on going forward to improve their score.
In addition to the score report, a student can receive an individual assessment with Jacob where he discusses with them how they performed on the test and what things they can be working on going forward to try and improve their score.
For a flat rate, Jacob would be available to teach a class of 6-10 students at either our facility or on location.